The New & The Good 14 June 2017

Hi there. Welcome to another post about the new and good things that I've encountered today. Let's go and see what are the new things and good things that has happened in my life.

The New

I came across a concept/thing called Baby Box while I was reading Ozy's PDB this morning. Baby Box apparently is a box filled with essential stuffs and a mattress. It is supposed to reduce infant mortality rate by providing essential items for the parents and a safe place where the infant can sleep safely and breath freely. It has been introduce in Finland in the 1930s and it has reduced the baby mortality rate from 1 in 10 children to 2 in 1000 children. Now there's an aspiring startup called Baby Box Co that aims to bring this Finnish tradition to the US.

The Good

 All of us sometime needs people to remind us who we us when we are lost. This is why we have friends. I have a friend who's quite discouraged because people didn't see the possibility in his idea. I recorded a video with the title "Is it a Good Business Idea?" and a blog post with the same title to show that ideas that everyone disagrees doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad idea. As a friend, what I could do is to give him perspective and encouragement in order to help him push himself further. Relationships are like a bank. You bank in positive energy to people and when you need it, it will automatically come back. Go and make good friends and you'll benefit for the rest of your life.

Like this post? Do share with me about your thoughts in the comments section. If you have any new things or good things you'd like to share, I'd love to read them!


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